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Describing Things (Lesson Plan)

School Name                      : -
Lesson                                : English
Class / Semester                 : VIII / II
Material                             : Describing Things
Meeting                              : 1
Allocation of Time            : 2 x 40  minutes

A.    Main Competencies
1.      Respect and appreciate the teachings of their religion.
2.      Respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, mutual assistance), polite, confident, in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment in a range of socially and presence.
3.      Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture and events related phenomena seem eye.
4.      Tries, processing, and presenting in the realm of concrete (using, parse, compose, modify, and create) and the realm of the abstract (writting, reading, counting, drawing, and fabricated) according to the learned in schools and other sources in the same viewpoint/theory.
B.     Basic Competence and Indicators
1.        Grateful for the opportunity to learn English as a language of International communication embodied in the spirit of learning. (1.1)
2.        Shows the behavior of an honest, desciplined, confident, and responsible in implementing transactional communication with teachers and friends. (2.2)
3.        Understanding the objective, structure of the text, and languange feature of the oral and written descriptive text about animals or things.
a.       Indicator: After the lesson students are able to identify the descriptive text about things correctly.
b.      Indicator: After the lesson students are able to explain maind idea of the descriptive text about things correctly.
c.       Indicator: After the lesson students are able to  arrange the descriptive text about things correctly.
C.    Learning Objective
Students are able to identify, explain, and arrange the descritive text about things  correctly.
D.    Learning Materials
a.      Preposition
 on, under, below, above, between, among, inside, outside, beside, in front of, behind, opposite, at and over.
b.      Expletive “there”
There is           = one/ uncountable
There are         = more than one/ countable
c.       Adjective
-adjective of quality     = good, beautiful, etc.
-adjective of  size         = big, small, etc.
-adjective of age          = old, new, etc.
-adjective of shape       =round, oval, etc.
-adjective of color         =red, blue, etc.
E.     Model/ Learning Method
1.   Approaches        : scientific
2.   Strategy              : observe – practice.
3.   Methods             : Inquiry / Experiencial Learning
F.     Media, Tools, and Learning Resources:
1.   Media                 : slide power point, images (flash card), hand out
2.   Tool                     : white board, board marker, paper
3.   Sources                : textbook and internet
G.    Learning Activities
a.       Teacher enter the class, greeting and ask the students’ condition.
b.      Teacher asks one student to lead praying
c.       Teacher read the attendance list
d.      Teacher give questions that related to the previous knowledge with the new material and showing the learning objective.
-          Teacher ask the students where are they go to when they feel sleepy or tired.
-          Teacher ask the students to mention things are in the bedroom.
-          Teacher write the answer in the whiteboard
10 Minutes
Main activity
a.      Observing
-          Teacher distributes a handout and asks the students to read the descriptive text
-          Teacher asks the students to listen and watch the video about the describing things.
-          Teacher using flashcard to broaden understanding about describing things.
b.      Questioning
Teacher ask the students to understand the material and take questions about the material that was difficult to understand.
c.       Assembled and associating
-          By the guidance of the teacher, the students identify the characteristic of things that was describing by video and flashcard previously.
-          The teacher explain the material about the characteristic of things and write it in the whiteboard.
-          The teacher ask two students to apply the describing things in front of the class by using flashcard that was given to each students by turns until the other students can guessing the things that was describing.
d.      Showing the result
Teacher asks all of the students to describing things in a room by using picture room’s flashcard.
20 Minutes
Post activity
a.       Review the material and write the importrant point of describing things in the whiteboard.
b.      Teacher make conclusion about describing things with the students.
c.       Praying and closing.
10    Minutes

Ponorogo, 27 January 2014

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